Friday, May 29, 2009

Stop Eating Simple Carbs! Stop Diabetes!

I know I have been harping on the subject of diabetes. You may be tired of reading about it. The reason I keep focused on it is because it is such a deadly disease. Diabetes can KILL YOU or me! You cannot fool around with diabetes. Click Here!

Type II diabetes is taking over in America. I do not know why the medical authorities have not declared it an epidemic. It is out of control.

Not only is it running rampant in the adult population but it is gaining a big foothold in our juvenile population. Click Here!

Americans have to wake up, change their eating patterns and those of our children! We must get off the fast food, the carbohydrates, the sugar and the sodas! We fill our children with all these foods everyday and are shocked when the doctor tells us our children are overweight and pre-diabetic or has metabolic syndrome! Click Here!

If anyone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome, you need to take steps right now to prevent it becoming full blown diabetes! What can you do, you ask? Change your eating habits right now! Change your children's eating patterns now!

What do you need to do? What do you need to change? I am glad you asked. Here it is in black and white:

1. Start eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet.
2. Exercise 3 or 4 days per week.
3. Cinnamon helps diabetes. Take cinnamon extract, 500mg per day. It helps cells recognize and respond to insulin.
4. Stop drinking from plastic containers. Use glass containers. Plastic containers have chemicals that can fool the body into thinking they are hormones. Using glass containers helps you prevent the body being tricked into thinking these chemicals are hormones in ways that alter the insulin production in our bodies.
5. Lower your blood pressure. Stop using salt. Take grape seed extract. 150-300 mg daily can lower both your top (systolic) and bottom (diastolic)number significantly.
5. Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Studies prove sleeping too little or too much can greatly impact blood sugar. Sleep the recommended 8 hours.
6. Stop eating simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs such as white breads and sugary foods cause insulin spikes. Insulin spikes signal the body to store fats and cholesterol. Eat beans, nuts, avocados, and fruit instead to help keep insulin levels in line. Click Here!

If you change your eating habits and those of your children, you can prevent your children from getting diabetes. We can stop this disease one child at a time!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Did You Eat your Veggies Today?

If you let it diabetes will control your life, instead of you controlling it. Don't let that happen to you! You cannot afford to let the disease take over your body. If you let down your guard for a moment, you will lose ground. The disease slowly destroys your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Click Here!
Do you remember when you were young and your mom made you eat your spinach? They say Mother know best and it is true. You should eat your veggies. Veggies help your immune system and keep your arteries younger. They also keep your blood pressure, your lousy cholesterol and your risk of heart disease and cancer low.
Click Here!

I know I keep harping on this disease called diabetes, but did you know nearly 8% of the entire population of the United States has diabetes. The government has not declared diabetes an epidemic yet. They have stopped short of that, but the escalating incidence of diabetes in this country is pointing us in that direction.

This is a direct result of the increasing cases of obesity in children and adolescents.
Click Here! Kids as young as five have been reported having type 2 diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin to keep the blood glucose levels in check, or it cannot use insulin properly.

People we are on the verge of an epidemic. Are you one of the growing number of Americans joining the ranks of people with diabetes? Do you know the CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates 57 million Americans have prediabetes and an untold number have metabolic syndrome?
Click Here!

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when a cluster of several risk factors such as obesity, low HDL (good cholesterol), high triglycerides, and high blood pressure are present.

Do you know the risk factors for metabolic syndrome? Here they are: A waist larger than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men, blood pressure higher than 130 over 85, good HDL cholesterol lower than 40 for women and 50 for men, or triglycerides higher than 150. If you have 3 of these factors then you are diagnosed as having metabolic syndrome and are a prime candidate for diabetes.
There are some things you can do to prevent metabolic syndrome. Here they are:
1. Eat a low calorie, low fat diet.
2. Exercise
3. take a daily 500 mg dose of cinnamon.
4. Take 150mg to 300mg a day of grape seed extract to lower blood pressure.
5. Sleep 8 hours per night to lower blood sugar levels.
6. Stop eating refined carbs and sugary foods. These foods cause insulin levels to spike and signals the body to store fat and cholesterol.
Click Here!

Wake up America and let us fight this diabetes epidemic!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Don't Let Diabetes Control Your Life!

If you let it diabetes will control your life, instead of you controlling it. Don't let that happen to you! You cannot afford to let the disease take over your body. If you let down your guard for a moment, you will lose ground. The disease slowly destroys your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Click Here!

These are three of the main organs in your body and diabetes can slowly destroy any one or all three of them! Do what you have to do to control your blood sugar levels. I have been reading and studying diabetes for 20 years. My mom lost her foot to the disease and my husband has been fighting it for 23 years. I wanted to learn all I could about it so I could help them understand what they had to do to live a great life with diabetes. Click Here!

I learned some really important facts. Here is what I know...
* Maintain the proper weight for your height.
* Eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
* Spread your carbohydrates over the entire day. do not eat them all at once.
* Eat some protein. It is better if you eat it for breakfast.
* Eat a healthy snack between meals. A piece of fruit would be a good choice.
* Exercise.
* Check your blood sugar levels. Take medications as prescribed.
* See the doctor as recommended.
* Get plenty of rest.
* Drink plenty of water.

Sometimes you can do everything right and your blood sugar levels will be high. Do not quit fighting it. Keep doing what you should do and it will fall into place for you. You see the reason my mom lost her foot was because she quit eating. She would go all day long and eat 1 soda cracker. That is all! When you do not eat, your blood sugar level goes so low you let the diabetes take control! Click Here!

You have to eat! I kept telling her but she would not listen. Diabetes had a lot to do with her having circulation problems and hardening of the arteries which caused blocked arteries. She had to have a triple bypass to unclog the arteries around her heart, and she thought her leg hurt because of arthritis. She refused to go to the doctor until it was too late. Gangrene had already begun. The foot had to come off.

Please do not let this happen to you. Follow your doctor's advice. If your legs hurt, let the doctor check it out. It could be peripheral artery disease and you could lose a foot or a leg if you wait too long. Don't wait! Let the doctor check it out. Click Here!

You can control this disease if you do what the doctor says. It boils down to the fact that you control it or it controls you. If it controls you, you lose! What's it going to be?

Take care of yourself. God Bless!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Diabetes Forever! Yes and No!

Usually when the doctor tells you, you are a diabetic, it is a life sentence! Click Here!
If you do all the things the doctor says, then you might be able to stop the progression of the disease and stop the disease. However, here is what is usually required:
* Lose weight.
Some people have had the lapband or bypass surgery, to lose enough weight so they would no longer have to deal with diabetes. You may be able to do that if you lose enough weight!
* Eat healthy.
It is possible to do this, but fast food is mostly to be avoided as is, sugar, fat, fried foods, and you need to eat the good carbs and leave the bad carbs alone.
* Change your lifestyle period.
You need to start exercising along with the dieting and make it a part of your daily routines. That old saying "Get moving" needs to be your new motto!

It is difficult to follow these changes and they must become a part of your daily life. If you can do that you have a chance to turn your life around, take control of your health and stop the diabetes!
Click Here!

Remember this, it is critical you take control of your life and your blood sugar. You need to stop diabetes or slow it down. The complications of this disease is dreadful. You do not want to suffer the consequesnces which can be severe, such as amputation or death. Click Here!

Take control so you can live a long and healthy life!

Til next time. God bless!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Do You Know What Diabetes Stands For? Read On!

Do you have any idea what Diabetes stands for? It came to me in the middle of the night last night! I saw it clear as day! D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S that dreaded word! Click Here!

I know what it means and I intend to tell everyone who will listen!

Here it is. This is how the name for this terrible disease was chosen: Click Here!

*D is for DIET. They(whoever they are) chose D as the first letter because they want you to be ever aware that DIET is the most important part of this disease. Watch your diet. Eat every few hours. Do not overeat. Watch your carbs, sugars and everything else you put in your mouth!

*I is for INSULIN. Boy the medical professionals are always trying to cram insulin down you. They want to know how much, when,what kind,etc. Your life sometimes feel like it revolves aroung taking insulin!

*A is so you will remember to AVOID EVERY FOOD YOU LOVE! Click Here!
You constantly hear from medical personnel, family, friends, and your inner voice "Do not eat that cake", "Lay off the ice cream", "You cannot have that chicken fried steak" and, oh yeah "You cannot eat that whole apple." Your whole life becomes one of AVOID! AVOID! AVOID!

*B is for BLOOD SUGAR. Have you checked your blood sugar yet? What was it? How often do you check your blood sugar? I want you to check it before and after each meal for the next 2 weeks. Eventually, you can just point at one of your fingers and they will start dripping blood, so you can do a blood sugar test.

*E is for EXERCISE. They want you to spend your life running down the road! Just run back home before and after each meal to check your blood sugar and grab a bite to eat!

*T means THINK THIN! Do not even think about eating anything you like! Thin is IN! Keep it small. One half a small apple, 1 poached egg, one half piece whole wheat toast, no butter, no bacon, no sausage. You can have CHICKEN at every meal. No fried chicken however! Soon you will begin to cluck!

*E is for EXERCISE. You need to exercise MORE! Exercise MORE than you EAT! Exercise instead of EATING so much! Remember the "T"! Thin is In.

*S is for SUGAR, of course! No Sugar. Sugar is fattening and you must be Thin..Click Here!

Put it all together it spells DIABETES. It is that terrible disease that rules your life! It has you on a Diet, taking Insulin, Avoiding every food you love, checking your Blood Sugar constantly, Exercising, Thinking Thin, Exercising more, and eating no Sugar. Eat Chicken! How can a fellow SURVIVE? Click Here!

Til next time. God Bless.