Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Diabetes - Daylight to Dark!

You know what? The other day I sat in my rocking chair all day long - from daylight to dark! I got up to eat, or to fix me something to eat, or to go to the bathroom. I really did not care who found me still in my rocking chair at 2:00 or 3:00 PM! I am a "Lady of Leisure." I can do whatever I want to do! Anyway I did a lot of reading about "Diabetes." It is a deadly disease.Click Here! I hate this disease! It can mutilate and kill you!

If you would like more information about diabetes, check out this site Click Here! There is also a "Diabetes Risk Test" you can check out at Click Here!

If you are at risk for diabetes take steps right now to do something, anything you have to do to stop the progress of it right now! Learn all you can about the disease .Click Here!

Here are 5 simple steps to halt this disease:
* 1. Check your blood glucose.
* 2. If it is running high change your diet.
* 3. Start getting more physical exercise.
* 4. Stop drinking Diet Sodas. Diet Soft Drinks cause "Metabolic Syndrone" which is the onset of pre diabetes.
* 5. Keep your weight under control.

Til next time. Keep Rocking!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Is Diabetes Making Your Life Miserable?

Does diabetes have such a hold on you that you feel like you are tied to the house? Do you have any hope of escaping the house and living a life like you did before you discovered you had diabetes? Click Here!
I know many people in your shoes. You have a lot of company.

No one is happy to learn they have diabetes. It fells like a prison sentence. You feel as if you have to change your whole life. So did my mother. She fought it for several years. She took pills for it, and the pills never worked well enough to keep her blood sugar regulated. Click Here!

I think when the doctor told her she had to start taking insulin shots, she gave up! You could see it in her eyes. She said that she could not give herself shots! But you know what, she learned. She finally accepted it! All of us kids talked to her, let her know how much we loved and needed her. We prayed about it and God answers prayer!

We found a wonderful doctor who spent a lot of time visiting her and telling her about the disease and how important she was to her kids. All of us, including the doctor finally convinced her she could live a wonderful life regardless of diabetes. With the support of all of us and the good Lord, she could not fail!
If you know someone with diabetes, rally round them, let them know they are loved and they can live with the disease! Click Here!

Til next time, I will be praying for you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Does Diabetes Rule Your Life?

Do you have to test your blood sugar everyday before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime? Is your life tied to a glucose meter? Do you have to take insulin shots to live?

This is a study of diabetes Click Here!

My mom has the disease and has fought it for 25 years. My husband has it also and has fought it for 22 years. They are not alone. Somewhere between 23-24 million Americans also have diabetes.

I decided to write about this disease because I have seen what it has done to my mom. I am dividing it into parts because the disease is very complex and there are several foms of it. This part is about Type I or juvenile diabetes which is caused because the body does not produce insulin or it does not produce enough insulin Click Here!
The person who has this form of diabetes is insulin dependent and must take shots everyday of his or her life Click Here!

It is a devastating disease. If left unchecked or if out of control, it can cause blindness or gangrene can set in casing loss of limbs. There are many things the medical profession does not know about diabetes. There is no known cure today. However many of the conditions caused by the disease can be treated and a person can live a long, healthy life Click Here!

If you would like to read and gather more information, check out the American Diabetes Association at Click Here!
We will discuss these things as we work through all the forms of diabetes, the conditions, the medications, the treatments, etc.

Keep reading. Perhaps something you find here will help you in your struggle with diabetes!

The Start of Diabetes

I want to talk about the start of diabetes.Click Here!
I have been wondering ever since my mom was diagnosed with diabetes, how it all starts. I am doing a series on diabetes and my first paper defines it, gives the symptoms of it, and some of the causes of it.

A really simple definition is "any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production." As you know that is what all doctors and everyone else tells us to watch out for--excessive urination. So if you are plaqued with that condition for heaven's sake see your doctor!

Another thing that causes diabetesClick Here!
is called,"carbohydrate metabolism." It seems that is a disorder we are usually predisposed to and it is hard to overcome heredity. However, we can fight this condition by eating few carbohydrates and exercising. Those are two other things doctors caution us to watch.

So if we do not develop excessive urination, which by the way, can be caused by several disorders and if we can eat few carbohydrates and exercise regularly, we may be able to stave off the diabetes.Click Here!
As I reveal the horrors the disease causes, you will probably be more thatn willing to do anything to keep some of the horrors laying claim to your body.

Til next time!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Me and My Rocking Chair - The Start of The Day!

Every Morning you can find me on my front porch, in my rocking chair, rocking and thinking. This is where I do my best thinking. There is only room for me in my rocking chair. No one is sitting beside me "yakking" and distracting me from my thinking.

I need my own space to reflect on life as I read my newspaper. There is a lot going on in life today period! Every newspaper, book, pamphet, etc. that I read has one or two articles in it about "Diabetes." Click Here!

Do you have any idea how devastating it is for people who have diabetes? Some folks have been fighting it for years and years. After awhile it begins to take a toil on them. There is a litany of problems that begin to affect them. Even those who have the best control of the disease, start losing the battle as the years go by!

know the devastation that hits them. I have seen it with my own eyes. Blood sugar runs high and low, it spikes even when they eat like they should, take their medicines religiously, do their daily exercises, and go to the doctor regularly. I have seen this with my mother.

My mom has fought diabetes for over 25 years. Slowly but surely it took over her body. It is like a predator! It slowly eats away at you! Her legs started hurting all the time. She got short of breath! Her arteries were clogging up. There were balloons bulging in her arteries and they could burst at any time! She had to have a quadruple bypass. This was the start of the deteriation diabetes can cause.Click Here!

We thought when she did so well after the bypass, everything would be great. Not so! Other arteries began clogging up. Her legs started hurting more and more. Her feet began to turn blue. She had great difficulty walking!

When we convinced her to go back to the doctor, he sent her straight to a surgeon. The surgeon ran tests and told us that arteries all over her body were clogged. Much rerouting had to be done to keep the blood flowing, but the left leg could not be saved!

Do you know how devastating that news is to someone who has been independent for 75 years? It is like being under house arrest! She had to learn to use an artificial leg and a wheelchair too! Her world became very small! It made my mom very dependent on others to take her places she had gone all her life by herself!

It is not just about my mom. Almost every family has someone who is in the grips of this disease. This morning when I saw another article in the paper about "Diabetes", I decided to write on the subject.

I am definitely not an expert, but I have attended many classes on diabetes. I have studied it for the last 20 years as I watched both my mom and my husband fight the disease. Perhaps the information I post will help someone from ending up like my mom!

For more information check this out at http://www.blogwithlucy.blogspot.com/