When the doctor says you have diabetes, it does not have to be a death sentence. Why not do what you can to stop the progression of the disease? You need to start doing what you can to regain your health so you can live a longer healthier life. Exercise is one of the most important way to regain your health.
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Exercise helps control your glucose levels and your weight. It also lowers your risk of a heart attack which is very common to diabetics. Exercise can improve your overall health, self esteem and make your feel better. Just be sure to get your doctor's approval before you start any exercise program, especially if you have been lying on the couch for an extended period of time. Click Here!
Ask your doctor how much exercise you should do, when it is best for you to exercise and the kinds of exercise to do. In general discuss your overall exercise program with your doctor so you will know your limitations and how the exercise affects your glucose levels as you become more active.
Exercise and a proper balanced diet can help control blood glucose levels in your body. The two together work to keep blood sugar level while decreasing body fat. For best results doctors usually recommend 2 to 3 hours of exercise per week. This includes exercises that are good for your heart such as walking, swimming or bicycling. Just be sure and ask your doctor if these activities are safe for you. Click Here!
Exercise, and I do not mean exercising your fingers with the TV remote, will go a long ways in preventing the complications of diabetes. You want to keep those complications at bay because they can be devastating. Complications can include heat disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, eye disease including blindness, amputation of limbs caused by improper circulation, and death! So get up! Move! Do the exercise and live longer and better! Click Here!
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