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The first thing you should know is that if you have diabetes, you can expect the disease to rob years from your life. Are you willingly going to sit back and let that happen? If not, you better get ready for the fight.
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Diabetic info number one (1) is start by making sure your diet is a well balanced healthy diet. You will hear this over and over from anyone in the medical field, as well as health experts. Diet is the first factor you should fix. It is the essential base for everything else in the diabetic lifestyle. You must make sure it is healthy and nutritious.
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There is more diabetic info you should know if you plan to halt the progress of this disease. New research shows there are certain foods that are especially effective in preventing diabetes. If you do not yet have full blown diabetes, you should add these super foods to your diet because studies show they are especially effective in preventing the disease.
If there is anyway you can prevent the disease you should do so. Once you get the disease, diet is everything to prevent the spread of it. I stress this because if you can halt the disease with diet or certain foods, you must do so.
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Diabetic info number two (2) is fix diabetes with food. Here is the list of foods that research proves are effective in preventing diabetes:
(1) MILK
Drinking eight (8) ounces or more daily reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 40%. Milk has calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D which help your body use insulin correctly. Be sure to choose skim or 1% milk because saturated fat may cancel the benefits.
(2) NUTS
Study after study has proven those who eat peanuts every day cut their risk of developing diabetes by 21%. Other nuts such as walnuts, almonds or cashews are just as effective.
I have seen many studies proving cinnamon can help keep blood sugar levels under control. As little as one half a teaspoon per day can keep your blood sugar levels under control. Try sprinkling the cinnamon over your cereal, fruit, ice cream or yogurt.
Studies on the health benefits of coffee to your health have greatly differed over the years. However, recent studies have shown that drinking as little as four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of developing diabetes by 30%. Decaf is just as effective as caffeinated. So drink up!
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Above all else, believe this: Diabetes is a deadly disease! If will take years off your life and it has severe complications if left untreated! Stop this disease from doing its damage to you!
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I hope this diabetic information proves useful to you. Take this info and use it to live a healthier longer diabetes free life! Be happy!
Until next time…
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