If you let it diabetes will control your life, instead of you controlling it. Don't let that happen to you! You cannot afford to let the disease take over your body. If you let down your guard for a moment, you will lose ground. The disease slowly destroys your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Click Here!
These are three of the main organs in your body and diabetes can slowly destroy any one or all three of them! Do what you have to do to control your blood sugar levels. I have been reading and studying diabetes for 20 years. My mom lost her foot to the disease and my husband has been fighting it for 23 years. I wanted to learn all I could about it so I could help them understand what they had to do to live a great life with diabetes. Click Here!
I learned some really important facts. Here is what I know...
* Maintain the proper weight for your height.
* Eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
* Spread your carbohydrates over the entire day. do not eat them all at once.
* Eat some protein. It is better if you eat it for breakfast.
* Eat a healthy snack between meals. A piece of fruit would be a good choice.
* Exercise.
* Check your blood sugar levels. Take medications as prescribed.
* See the doctor as recommended.
* Get plenty of rest.
* Drink plenty of water.
Sometimes you can do everything right and your blood sugar levels will be high. Do not quit fighting it. Keep doing what you should do and it will fall into place for you. You see the reason my mom lost her foot was because she quit eating. She would go all day long and eat 1 soda cracker. That is all! When you do not eat, your blood sugar level goes so low you let the diabetes take control! Click Here!
You have to eat! I kept telling her but she would not listen. Diabetes had a lot to do with her having circulation problems and hardening of the arteries which caused blocked arteries. She had to have a triple bypass to unclog the arteries around her heart, and she thought her leg hurt because of arthritis. She refused to go to the doctor until it was too late. Gangrene had already begun. The foot had to come off.
Please do not let this happen to you. Follow your doctor's advice. If your legs hurt, let the doctor check it out. It could be peripheral artery disease and you could lose a foot or a leg if you wait too long. Don't wait! Let the doctor check it out. Click Here!
You can control this disease if you do what the doctor says. It boils down to the fact that you control it or it controls you. If it controls you, you lose! What's it going to be?
Take care of yourself. God Bless!
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