Do you have any idea what Diabetes stands for? It came to me in the middle of the night last night! I saw it clear as day! D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S that dreaded word! Click Here!
I know what it means and I intend to tell everyone who will listen!
Here it is. This is how the name for this terrible disease was chosen: Click Here!
*D is for DIET. They(whoever they are) chose D as the first letter because they want you to be ever aware that DIET is the most important part of this disease. Watch your diet. Eat every few hours. Do not overeat. Watch your carbs, sugars and everything else you put in your mouth!
*I is for INSULIN. Boy the medical professionals are always trying to cram insulin down you. They want to know how much, when,what kind,etc. Your life sometimes feel like it revolves aroung taking insulin!
*A is so you will remember to AVOID EVERY FOOD YOU LOVE! Click Here!
You constantly hear from medical personnel, family, friends, and your inner voice "Do not eat that cake", "Lay off the ice cream", "You cannot have that chicken fried steak" and, oh yeah "You cannot eat that whole apple." Your whole life becomes one of AVOID! AVOID! AVOID!
*B is for BLOOD SUGAR. Have you checked your blood sugar yet? What was it? How often do you check your blood sugar? I want you to check it before and after each meal for the next 2 weeks. Eventually, you can just point at one of your fingers and they will start dripping blood, so you can do a blood sugar test.
*E is for EXERCISE. They want you to spend your life running down the road! Just run back home before and after each meal to check your blood sugar and grab a bite to eat!
*T means THINK THIN! Do not even think about eating anything you like! Thin is IN! Keep it small. One half a small apple, 1 poached egg, one half piece whole wheat toast, no butter, no bacon, no sausage. You can have CHICKEN at every meal. No fried chicken however! Soon you will begin to cluck!
*E is for EXERCISE. You need to exercise MORE! Exercise MORE than you EAT! Exercise instead of EATING so much! Remember the "T"! Thin is In.
*S is for SUGAR, of course! No Sugar. Sugar is fattening and you must be Thin..Click Here!
Put it all together it spells DIABETES. It is that terrible disease that rules your life! It has you on a Diet, taking Insulin, Avoiding every food you love, checking your Blood Sugar constantly, Exercising, Thinking Thin, Exercising more, and eating no Sugar. Eat Chicken! How can a fellow SURVIVE? Click Here!
Til next time. God Bless.
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