Every Morning you can find me on my front porch, in my rocking chair, rocking and thinking. This is where I do my best thinking. There is only room for me in my rocking chair. No one is sitting beside me "yakking" and distracting me from my thinking.
I need my own space to reflect on life as I read my newspaper. There is a lot going on in life today period! Every newspaper, book, pamphet, etc. that I read has one or two articles in it about "Diabetes." Click Here!
Do you have any idea how devastating it is for people who have diabetes? Some folks have been fighting it for years and years. After awhile it begins to take a toil on them. There is a litany of problems that begin to affect them. Even those who have the best control of the disease, start losing the battle as the years go by!
know the devastation that hits them. I have seen it with my own eyes. Blood sugar runs high and low, it spikes even when they eat like they should, take their medicines religiously, do their daily exercises, and go to the doctor regularly. I have seen this with my mother.
My mom has fought diabetes for over 25 years. Slowly but surely it took over her body. It is like a predator! It slowly eats away at you! Her legs started hurting all the time. She got short of breath! Her arteries were clogging up. There were balloons bulging in her arteries and they could burst at any time! She had to have a quadruple bypass. This was the start of the deteriation diabetes can cause.Click Here!
We thought when she did so well after the bypass, everything would be great. Not so! Other arteries began clogging up. Her legs started hurting more and more. Her feet began to turn blue. She had great difficulty walking!
When we convinced her to go back to the doctor, he sent her straight to a surgeon. The surgeon ran tests and told us that arteries all over her body were clogged. Much rerouting had to be done to keep the blood flowing, but the left leg could not be saved!
Do you know how devastating that news is to someone who has been independent for 75 years? It is like being under house arrest! She had to learn to use an artificial leg and a wheelchair too! Her world became very small! It made my mom very dependent on others to take her places she had gone all her life by herself!
It is not just about my mom. Almost every family has someone who is in the grips of this disease. This morning when I saw another article in the paper about "Diabetes", I decided to write on the subject.
I am definitely not an expert, but I have attended many classes on diabetes. I have studied it for the last 20 years as I watched both my mom and my husband fight the disease. Perhaps the information I post will help someone from ending up like my mom!
For more information check this out at http://www.blogwithlucy.blogspot.com/
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