Do you have to test your blood sugar everyday before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime? Is your life tied to a glucose meter? Do you have to take insulin shots to live?
This is a study of diabetes Click Here!
My mom has the disease and has fought it for 25 years. My husband has it also and has fought it for 22 years. They are not alone. Somewhere between 23-24 million Americans also have diabetes.
I decided to write about this disease because I have seen what it has done to my mom. I am dividing it into parts because the disease is very complex and there are several foms of it. This part is about Type I or juvenile diabetes which is caused because the body does not produce insulin or it does not produce enough insulin Click Here!
The person who has this form of diabetes is insulin dependent and must take shots everyday of his or her life Click Here!
It is a devastating disease. If left unchecked or if out of control, it can cause blindness or gangrene can set in casing loss of limbs. There are many things the medical profession does not know about diabetes. There is no known cure today. However many of the conditions caused by the disease can be treated and a person can live a long, healthy life Click Here!
If you would like to read and gather more information, check out the American Diabetes Association at Click Here!
We will discuss these things as we work through all the forms of diabetes, the conditions, the medications, the treatments, etc.
Keep reading. Perhaps something you find here will help you in your struggle with diabetes!
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