Thursday, April 23, 2009

Is Diabetes Making Your Life Miserable?

Does diabetes have such a hold on you that you feel like you are tied to the house? Do you have any hope of escaping the house and living a life like you did before you discovered you had diabetes? Click Here!
I know many people in your shoes. You have a lot of company.

No one is happy to learn they have diabetes. It fells like a prison sentence. You feel as if you have to change your whole life. So did my mother. She fought it for several years. She took pills for it, and the pills never worked well enough to keep her blood sugar regulated. Click Here!

I think when the doctor told her she had to start taking insulin shots, she gave up! You could see it in her eyes. She said that she could not give herself shots! But you know what, she learned. She finally accepted it! All of us kids talked to her, let her know how much we loved and needed her. We prayed about it and God answers prayer!

We found a wonderful doctor who spent a lot of time visiting her and telling her about the disease and how important she was to her kids. All of us, including the doctor finally convinced her she could live a wonderful life regardless of diabetes. With the support of all of us and the good Lord, she could not fail!
If you know someone with diabetes, rally round them, let them know they are loved and they can live with the disease! Click Here!

Til next time, I will be praying for you.

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