Click Here! Anyone who says having diabetes is no big deal, does not have it and does not have to deal with a loved one who has it! It is a big deal! Even doctors make it sound like it is a simple thing to take your medications and give yourself a shot 2, 3, or sometimes 4 or more times per day. It is a simple thing, but there are a whole lot of things you must deal with throughout the day when you have diabetes:
1. Test your blood sugar level before each meal.
2. Monitor what you will eat and portion sizes for the whole day.
3. Make sure you eat 4 small meals instead of the 3 meals you have eaten all your life.
4. Make sure you plan what you will have for snacks and make sure you eat them!
5. Drink lots of water.
6. Exercise to the extent the doctor advises.
Click Here!
Every meal everyday must be planned. Otherwise, you are tempted to get involved in whatever you are doing that day and completely forget to eat your snack. Plus, it will be time to eat lunch or dinner and you have not prepared it. If it is not ready to eat on time, you could have an insulin reaction. Click Here!
Anyone who has ever had one knows the signs. Those of you who do not have diabetes should know the signs so if anyone around you has a reaction, you will know what to do.
An insulin reaction is an excessively low blood sugar level resulting from an excess of insulin via an injection or oral medication. An insulin reaction occurs for the following reasons:
Increased activity
Not eating on time
Skipping a meal
Error in insulin dosage
Increased insulin dosages
And the list goes on and on…
Symptoms of an insulin reaction are…
And the list goes on and on…
What to do in case someone has an insulin reaction, depending upon the severity of the reaction: Click Here!
Get them a soda, regular not diet.
Give them a candy bar, peanut butter crackers, or a quick sugar fix.
Call 9-1-1 to get the person to the hospital if they are unconscious or having seizures. Do not attempt to drive them to the hospital yourself. They need immediate medical attention which an ambulance can provide during the ride to the hospital.
In any case an insulin reaction should be noted and the doctor should be informed. The doctor may want to see the patient and adjust amount of insulin dosage, snacks, meals, etc. The main thing you need to know is to do what is necessary to take care of the person having an insulin reaction, whether it is get hem something to eat or drink or get them an ambulance, then be sure to inform their doctor.
Insulin reactions are a big deal and a sign medications need adjusting. Diabetes is a disease you live with 24 hours per day and it affects all who live with or work with the diabetic. It can be a smooth ride when everything works the way it should, but the ride gets real bumpy when something is out of whack! Click Here!
Here's to a smooth ride!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Could You Use A 5 Step Diabetes Diet Plan?
A major part of coping with your diabetes is to have a great diabetes diet plan Click Here! If you have one that is great and if not you could probably use these tips to make sure you choose one that will remind you of what to look for when searching for one.
A diabetes diet plan Click Here! can make or break the control you have over your diabetes. It certainly plays a critical part in controlling your blood sugar levels. What you eat greatly affects your diabetes and is critical to preventing any further damage to the major organs of your body.
Here are 5 food groups your Diabetes Diet Plan Click Here! should recommend:
1. Grains
Any diet that proves beneficial to the diabetic should include whole grains. You want to eat whole wheat breads and avoid white. Foods rich in grains have lots of fiber which is beneficial in helping to control blood sugar.
2. Fruits
Be sure the diet recommends fruits. This too is a great source of fiber and they are rich in nutrients and vitamins.
3. Vegetables
One of the most important part of any diet, not just a diabetic diet plan is vegetables. They too are rich in fiber. They are healthy, good for you and taste good as well. Many vegetables require the body burn more calories digesting vegetables than the number of calories in the food.
4. Proteins
Be sure the diet includes proteins because they build lean muscles. They are fuel for the body. Some of the foods rich in proteins are eggs, meats, poultry, fish, and peanut butter.
5. Carbohydrates
This food group is probably the most difficult to include in your diabetic diet plan Click Here! Carbohydrates are good for you if you choose from the complex carbohydrates some of which are potatoes, pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, high fiber breakfast cereals, and beans.
Your diabetic diet plan can help you control your weight which controls your blood sugar levels as well. Be sure to eat approximately the same number of calories daily. You can obtain a detailed list of foods included in each of these groups from the internet.
Don't let your diabetes control you. Control it with help from your diabetic diet plan Click Here!
A diabetes diet plan Click Here! can make or break the control you have over your diabetes. It certainly plays a critical part in controlling your blood sugar levels. What you eat greatly affects your diabetes and is critical to preventing any further damage to the major organs of your body.
Here are 5 food groups your Diabetes Diet Plan Click Here! should recommend:
1. Grains
Any diet that proves beneficial to the diabetic should include whole grains. You want to eat whole wheat breads and avoid white. Foods rich in grains have lots of fiber which is beneficial in helping to control blood sugar.
2. Fruits
Be sure the diet recommends fruits. This too is a great source of fiber and they are rich in nutrients and vitamins.
3. Vegetables
One of the most important part of any diet, not just a diabetic diet plan is vegetables. They too are rich in fiber. They are healthy, good for you and taste good as well. Many vegetables require the body burn more calories digesting vegetables than the number of calories in the food.
4. Proteins
Be sure the diet includes proteins because they build lean muscles. They are fuel for the body. Some of the foods rich in proteins are eggs, meats, poultry, fish, and peanut butter.
5. Carbohydrates
This food group is probably the most difficult to include in your diabetic diet plan Click Here! Carbohydrates are good for you if you choose from the complex carbohydrates some of which are potatoes, pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, high fiber breakfast cereals, and beans.
Your diabetic diet plan can help you control your weight which controls your blood sugar levels as well. Be sure to eat approximately the same number of calories daily. You can obtain a detailed list of foods included in each of these groups from the internet.
Don't let your diabetes control you. Control it with help from your diabetic diet plan Click Here!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Diabetes and the Gruesome Twosome Can Be Beaten By The Dynamic Duo!

A sure fire sign you have diabetes is high blood sugar levels! This is not always detected, however and you may not experience any symptoms associated with diabetes. This is one reason so many diabetics go undiagnosed until they are besieged by complications caused by diabetes.
Many times diabetes goes undetected for years and it works silently inside the body attacking blood vessels and damaging major organs as it spills glucose into the blood and into the urine. The person has no idea this is going on. The "Gruesome Twosome" is doing its devilish work to create high blood sugar and attack the major organs! Click Here!
All those years you ate those family dinners of fried chicken, mashed potatoes full of melted butter, corn on the cob coated in butter, cream gravy, biscuits, and homemade apple pie, You had no idea what it was doing to your body. All those carbohydrates, fried foods, sugar and fats sure tasted good but worked havoc on your body. The "Gruesome Twosome" was moving right in!
All those years you drove by the fast food restaurant and grabbed something to eat on the way to work. Later you drove to the fast food restaurant for lunch and picked up some hamburgers and fries and cokes for everyone in the office. You had no idea the "Gruesome Twosome" was hard at work messing with you blood sugar levels, your metabolism, and setting you up for type 2 diabetes! Click Here!
If you had known, you could have changed the program. You could have invited the "Dynamic Duo" (a healthy diet and regular exercise) to be a part of your life. You could have stopped the "Gruesome Twosome" in its tracks. But you had no idea what all that great food was doing to your body! If you had only known!
Now everybody talks about fats, sugars, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. They never discussed all that food stuff when you were growing up. You just ate what you liked and life was sweet until the "Gruesome Twosome" became a permanent part of your life! Now you have to recruit the "Dynamic Duo" to move in and help you defeat the "Gruesome Twosome." Click Here!
You have to start eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. Hand in hand with these two you can defeat high blood sugar levels and diabetes. You have to defeat diabetes! Last year your mother lost her leg because of diabetes! You do not want to go there! The only way to defeat diabetes and high blood sugar levels is to get the "Dynamic Duo" working for you! Get rid of the "Gruesome Twosome" and do right by your body. A healthy well balanced diet split into smaller meals and snacks during the day along with regular exercise can start you on the road to recovery!
For the last few years we have been hearing eat more fruits and vegetables, eat the right kind of carbohydrates, stop eating so many of the wrong kind of carbohydrates, stop eating sugar, stop eating fried foods and, of course, stop eating fast foods. All the things we love to eat have to go! That is not true! You see we just have to eat in moderation!
I do not know about you but I love to eat and eat and eat! I have never done anything in moderation if my life! Have you? Well, it is time we learned. We have to change the way we eat and the way we think if we do not want diabetes in our life! Click Here!
Retrain yourself like I am! I have learned to like fruits and vegetables and staying home to eat. I am trying to eat to live not live to eat and it has been very difficult! I will not lie! There were days I would have killed for a hamburger, fries, onion rings and the biggest coke they sell! But it gets easier. Everyday gets easier!
Just remember you are working for a goal! You are working to save your legs, and your eyes, and your heart and your kidneys and all the other body parts that diabetes destroys!
Get the "Gruesome Twosome" out of your life! Get the "Dynamic Duo" working for you! Get out and use your legs and feet and keep them for a lifetime!
The good Lord save and keep you until next time…
Monday, August 17, 2009
Diabetes Is Rising. Is It Staring You In The Face?

Wake up America! We have an epidemic in America! The main reason diabetes is of epidemic proportion in our country is the way we eat. We eat fast food everyday all day long. Click Here!
Another reason this disease is so prevalent in America is we do not exercise! We ride everywhere! The only energy we expend to get from one place to another it to walk to the car. How many people do you see walking to the neighborhood store, which is just up the street? We have a shortage of gas in our country and what we do have is very expensive, but we still drive our cars three doors down to get some milk! We drive everywhere! No wonder the number of Americans is increasing daily in America!
When my mom was diagnosed with diabetes, I had a wake up call! I began to wonder what is diabetes? What causes it? Where did it come from? Who is at risk of developing it? What can I do to stop it? Click Here!
I began studying the disease that day. I started with my first question. What is diabetes?
I looked the definition up in Webster's dictionary. The definition is elegantly stated as…
"any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production. It is also called diabetes mellitus, a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, usually occurring in genetically predisposed individuals, characterized by inadequate production or utilization of insulin and resulting in excessive amounts of glucose in the blood and urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, and in some cases progressive destruction of small blood vessels leading to such complications as infections and gangrene of the limbs or blindness."
Let's look closely at this definition of diabetes. Click Here!
"Increased urine production" is usually the first symptom that alerts a person that something is wrong. We have all heard that excessive thirst and urination indicate high blood sugar levels and the beginning of diabetes. If this happens it is time to see your doctor and be tested for this disease.
The second sentence of the definition states "It is also called diabetes mellitus, a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, usually occurring in genetically predisposed individuals." Click Here!
"Genetically predisposed" means there is a history of the disease in the family. Families have a great influence on diet and exercise. In my family, for instance, my grandfather was a diabetic. We ate an ample supply of carbohydrates at every meal. Therefore, the descendants of our family were predisposed by heredity to incorrectly metabolize carbohydrates. We were genetically predisposed and at a high risk of developing diabetes. If we had known this, we could change our destiny through diet and exercise.
The final part of the definition states "the disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by inadequate production or utilization of insulin, resulting in excessive amounts of glucose in the blood and urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, and in some cases progressive destruction of small blood vessels leading to such complications as infections and gangrene of the limbs or blindness."
This final part of the definition states it plainly. Carbohydrate metabolism means the body does not produce enough or does not use insulin correctly. When this happens, excessive amounts of glucose is found in the blood and urine. Therefore, you will have high blood sugar levels! Usually, you will have excessive thirst, weight loss, and progressive destruction of blood vessels. This leads to all kinds of complications including loss of limbs, kidney failure, heart failure and blindness. Click Here!
If your family has a history of the disease, do not ignore the signs. Check your blood sugar levels. Have your doctor run tests to determine if you are on the diabetic highway! Most of all change your lifestyle as it relates to diet and exercise. Limit your carbohydrates and eat more vegetables and fruits!
You can change the course of the disease in your family! Do not standby and do nothing! Take control of your life and stop the diabetic cycle!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Do You Know the Earliest Sign of Diabetes?

You can have high blood pressure for years without any symptoms. Then suddenly without warning, you have a heart attack or stroke! Cure Diabetes
Well, diabetes is much like high blood pressure. You can live for years with this disease and not know it until the complications of diabetes begin to show up! By that time, you will have pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome or full blown Type 2 diabetes. Why did you not know something was wrong before it developed to this point?
I am here to let you know there are warning signs! You, like most others, fail to pay attention to the symptoms. Because the symptom does not reach out and hit you upside the head, you shrug it off as "no big deal." Click Here!
It is a "big deal!" It is such a simple symptom. It could be a symptom for several things. Why would you consider it to be the first indication that you have diabetes? This symptom is Unexplained Fatigue! You go to bed tired. You wake up in the morning tired! During the day you find yourself so fatigued, you have difficulty completing the day! You have no reason that you know of to feel so tired! Cure Diabetes
When this happens to us, we pay no heed. We explain it away. We have been working too hard. We have a lot of stress at work. We haven't been sleeping well. We can make a lot of excuses for why we feel so weary! We accept it as a way of life instead of talking to our doctor about it. When we go to bed tired and we get up the next morning more tired than when we went to bed the night before, we need to pay heed! When the fatigue never goes away and we do not have an explanation for the extreme fatigue, we need to pay attention! Unexplained Fatigue is the earliest symptom of diabetes! Click Here!
Do not ignore this symptom! If there is no reason for you to be so tired all the time, then it could be high blood sugar levels. If you feel a "bone-weary" fatigue when you are not sick, or you have not been out partying late at night, or you have not been staying up late at night, then you need to go to the doctor and check it out. When you are so tired it is difficult for you to get through the day, then it is time to see the doctor! Extreme fatigue with no apparent reason is the earliest sign that your blood sugar levels are too high! Click Here!
Insulin is used to help the cells absorb glucose, which is energy for the body. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not properly use the insulin, the cells do not absorb the necessary glucose to supply energy to the body. Therefore, you begin to feel tired for no apparent reason!
If you have Unexplained Fatigue, talk to your doctor. There are several tests that can be performed to determine if your blood sugar levels are high! Simple blood sugar checks can be done prior to your meals to determine your blood sugar levels throughout the day. You can monitor your blood sugar levels over a few days and help your doctor determine if your blood sugar levels are high and if that is the reason for your "Unexplained Fatigue." Click Here!
If high blood sugar levels prove to be the culprit, then you can take steps to slow down or stop the complications of diabetes in your body. Most people do not know they have diabetes and it is left untreated for years. By the time they discover the diabetes, it has done much damage to some of their major organs. This can greatly affect their quality of life. Cure Diabetes
If you have fatigue, "bone weary" fatigue, that you cannot explain, then get to the doctor. Have him check your blood sugar levels and do whatever tests are necessary to prove you are or are not diabetic! The sooner you find out, the sooner you can begin to fight it and STOP it in its tracks! Cure Diabetes
Live the great life you deserve!
Until next time.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Early Detection of Diabetes is the Key!

Increased glucose levels sometimes work without detection and can attack major organs, causing severe complications. This sometimes occurs even though there are no apparent symptoms!
Diabetes has two common types, type 1 and type 2. It is necessary to have medical tests performed to determine if a person has diabetes. The tests can identify the type of the disease as well. Once the disease is detected, a person must immediately begin treatment and maintain medical supervision to avoid additional life threatening complications. Click Here!
Type 1 diabetes is usually found in children or young adults and is common to those of Caucasian descent. This form of diabetes is found in those who have a family history of diabetes. This type of diabetes accounts for approximately 6 to 10% of those who suffer from diabetes in America. This type occurs primarily because the pancreas fails to produce insulin. Insulin is necessary to help the body cells to use glucose for energy. Click Here!
Type 2 diabetes, as we have discussed before, is the most prevalent form of the disease, manifesting itself in adults aged forty plus who are of African American, Asian American, or Latino descents. It is often referred to as adult onset diabetes and accounts for 90-95% of all diabetes in America. Those with this type of diabetes are still able to produce insulin, but the body fails to use the insulin properly. Click Here!
The exact cause of type 2 diabetes is still unknown. There are several risk factors that apply to those who develop it however. Some of the risk factors are beyond your control. These risk factors are nationality and heredity, which are both beyond your control. Click Here!
However, there are risk factors medical experts have identified as conducive to those who suffer from diabetes. These main two factors are poor diet and lack of exercise. If you have a family history of diabetes, then you can lower your risk of developing diabetes is you follow a healthy diet and get plenty of regular exercise! Get up off that couch and start walking, crawling or running as fast as you can! Lower your risk of developing diabetes! Do whatever you can to stop it from happening to you!
Click Here!
Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is a long term, rest of your life, commitment! You will be fighting high blood sugar levels for the rest of your life in the hope you do not fall victim to the complications of the disease.
Start a lifestyle change right now, today! Begin eating healthy foods and start on a program of regular exercise! If it will help you stave off diabetes, it will be worth your time and effort! The ravages of the disease are numerous and severe. Most of the complications are irreversible and can prevent your living a quality last years of your life!
So you want to know the complications of diabetes if left untreated or uncontrolled? Many diabetes fight fiercely to stop the disease and yet they are unable to control the disease. So it is to your benefit to stop it before it progresses any further. The complications cause by years of high blood sugar levels are heart disease including heat failure and cardiovascular disease, circulation problems, eye disease, kidney failure, neuropathy, and amputation of legs and limbs caused by poor circulation. Click Here!
If you are not familiar with any or all of these complications, read my other blogs. I have discussed and detailed the causes and the symptoms. All of them have terrible symptoms that definitely prevent you from living a good quality life for the remainder of your time. If you start fighting right now, you can slow down or stop the spread of the disease in your body. Whatever time it takes to do the proper diet and exercise, will be time well spent! So get after it! Click Here!
Do it and do it now! Here is to the good life and a healthy life! Click Here!
Take care until next time.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Diabetic Info For the Diabetic! Diabetics Should Read This!

Click Here!
The first thing you should know is that if you have diabetes, you can expect the disease to rob years from your life. Are you willingly going to sit back and let that happen? If not, you better get ready for the fight.
Click Here!
Diabetic info number one (1) is start by making sure your diet is a well balanced healthy diet. You will hear this over and over from anyone in the medical field, as well as health experts. Diet is the first factor you should fix. It is the essential base for everything else in the diabetic lifestyle. You must make sure it is healthy and nutritious.
Click Here!
There is more diabetic info you should know if you plan to halt the progress of this disease. New research shows there are certain foods that are especially effective in preventing diabetes. If you do not yet have full blown diabetes, you should add these super foods to your diet because studies show they are especially effective in preventing the disease.
If there is anyway you can prevent the disease you should do so. Once you get the disease, diet is everything to prevent the spread of it. I stress this because if you can halt the disease with diet or certain foods, you must do so.
Click Here!
Diabetic info number two (2) is fix diabetes with food. Here is the list of foods that research proves are effective in preventing diabetes:
(1) MILK
Drinking eight (8) ounces or more daily reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 40%. Milk has calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D which help your body use insulin correctly. Be sure to choose skim or 1% milk because saturated fat may cancel the benefits.
(2) NUTS
Study after study has proven those who eat peanuts every day cut their risk of developing diabetes by 21%. Other nuts such as walnuts, almonds or cashews are just as effective.
I have seen many studies proving cinnamon can help keep blood sugar levels under control. As little as one half a teaspoon per day can keep your blood sugar levels under control. Try sprinkling the cinnamon over your cereal, fruit, ice cream or yogurt.
Studies on the health benefits of coffee to your health have greatly differed over the years. However, recent studies have shown that drinking as little as four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of developing diabetes by 30%. Decaf is just as effective as caffeinated. So drink up!
Click Here!
Above all else, believe this: Diabetes is a deadly disease! If will take years off your life and it has severe complications if left untreated! Stop this disease from doing its damage to you!
Click Here!
I hope this diabetic information proves useful to you. Take this info and use it to live a healthier longer diabetes free life! Be happy!
Until next time…
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Get Up Off That Couch! Get Moving!

When the doctor says you have diabetes, it does not have to be a death sentence. Why not do what you can to stop the progression of the disease? You need to start doing what you can to regain your health so you can live a longer healthier life. Exercise is one of the most important way to regain your health.
Click Here!
Exercise helps control your glucose levels and your weight. It also lowers your risk of a heart attack which is very common to diabetics. Exercise can improve your overall health, self esteem and make your feel better. Just be sure to get your doctor's approval before you start any exercise program, especially if you have been lying on the couch for an extended period of time. Click Here!
Ask your doctor how much exercise you should do, when it is best for you to exercise and the kinds of exercise to do. In general discuss your overall exercise program with your doctor so you will know your limitations and how the exercise affects your glucose levels as you become more active.
Exercise and a proper balanced diet can help control blood glucose levels in your body. The two together work to keep blood sugar level while decreasing body fat. For best results doctors usually recommend 2 to 3 hours of exercise per week. This includes exercises that are good for your heart such as walking, swimming or bicycling. Just be sure and ask your doctor if these activities are safe for you. Click Here!
Exercise, and I do not mean exercising your fingers with the TV remote, will go a long ways in preventing the complications of diabetes. You want to keep those complications at bay because they can be devastating. Complications can include heat disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, eye disease including blindness, amputation of limbs caused by improper circulation, and death! So get up! Move! Do the exercise and live longer and better! Click Here!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Do Not Lay Down and Take This. Fight Back!

Don't take it! Fght back! Diabetes can be a death sentence but it does not have to be. It is up to you. You can stop the progression of the disease!
I have been studying this disease for the last 23 years. I am not a professional nor am I a medical expert on this disease. I, however, do have a personal interest in it. Both my husband and my mother have the disease. As a matter of fact, my mom lost a leg to diabetes. So you might say I have a vested interest in what I can do to prevent ending up the same way. Click Here!
There are lots of studies on diabetes and there are several great ways to help you win the war on diabetes. Here are some tips I have learned!
Lose weight!
Add more fiber to your diet! It helps you lose weight and lower blood sugar.
Drink chamomile tea!
Studies with lab rats who were given chamomile tea, had significant decrease in blood sugar levels and lower levels of compounds that can cause diabetes.
Eat small meals and do not skip meals!
This helps you keep your blood sugar level and prevent overeating.
Exercise! Click Here!
A Washington University School of Medicine study found that exercise may protect your heart long after. Sugary snacks cause blood vessels to temporarily lose their elasticity, which over time increases heart disease risk.
However, physical activity can help. When researchers fed each subject a candy bar and a soda 17 hours after doing one hour of moderate intensity cardio, the exercisers were able to pump 28% more blood than those who had rested and ate the same amount of sugar.
Hit the disease early and hit it hard!
In one study researchers used drugs to control glucose levels, high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. The results showed they slashed the risk of dying within 13 years by 20%,
In another study, an attempt to play catch-up and get glucose levels under tight control in older and sicker diabetics turned out to be dangerous and this trial had to be stopped prematurely. Click Here!
A third study showed the body has something researchers called metabolic memory. People who get their glucose levels down right after diagnosis had a 13% lower risk of dying a full decade later even if they let blood sugar increase in the ensuing years.
In conclusion, the minute the doctor tells you that your glucose levels are elevated or that you have prediabetes, you must take action because by the time the disease is full blown, the damage is already done.
Get serious about fighting diabetes! Start eating healthy, exercising, and taking the medications your doctor prescribes. You will have a better chance to live a longer healthier life!Click Here!
Every year some 234,000 people die from complications caused by diabetes! Do not become a statistic! Click Here!
Take care! God bless!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Stop Eating Simple Carbs! Stop Diabetes!

Type II diabetes is taking over in America. I do not know why the medical authorities have not declared it an epidemic. It is out of control.
Not only is it running rampant in the adult population but it is gaining a big foothold in our juvenile population. Click Here!
Americans have to wake up, change their eating patterns and those of our children! We must get off the fast food, the carbohydrates, the sugar and the sodas! We fill our children with all these foods everyday and are shocked when the doctor tells us our children are overweight and pre-diabetic or has metabolic syndrome! Click Here!
If anyone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome, you need to take steps right now to prevent it becoming full blown diabetes! What can you do, you ask? Change your eating habits right now! Change your children's eating patterns now!
What do you need to do? What do you need to change? I am glad you asked. Here it is in black and white:
1. Start eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet.
2. Exercise 3 or 4 days per week.
3. Cinnamon helps diabetes. Take cinnamon extract, 500mg per day. It helps cells recognize and respond to insulin.
4. Stop drinking from plastic containers. Use glass containers. Plastic containers have chemicals that can fool the body into thinking they are hormones. Using glass containers helps you prevent the body being tricked into thinking these chemicals are hormones in ways that alter the insulin production in our bodies.
5. Lower your blood pressure. Stop using salt. Take grape seed extract. 150-300 mg daily can lower both your top (systolic) and bottom (diastolic)number significantly.
5. Get a full 8 hours of sleep. Studies prove sleeping too little or too much can greatly impact blood sugar. Sleep the recommended 8 hours.
6. Stop eating simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs such as white breads and sugary foods cause insulin spikes. Insulin spikes signal the body to store fats and cholesterol. Eat beans, nuts, avocados, and fruit instead to help keep insulin levels in line. Click Here!
If you change your eating habits and those of your children, you can prevent your children from getting diabetes. We can stop this disease one child at a time!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Did You Eat your Veggies Today?

If you let it diabetes will control your life, instead of you controlling it. Don't let that happen to you! You cannot afford to let the disease take over your body. If you let down your guard for a moment, you will lose ground. The disease slowly destroys your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Click Here!
Do you remember when you were young and your mom made you eat your spinach? They say Mother know best and it is true. You should eat your veggies. Veggies help your immune system and keep your arteries younger. They also keep your blood pressure, your lousy cholesterol and your risk of heart disease and cancer low.
Click Here!
I know I keep harping on this disease called diabetes, but did you know nearly 8% of the entire population of the United States has diabetes. The government has not declared diabetes an epidemic yet. They have stopped short of that, but the escalating incidence of diabetes in this country is pointing us in that direction.
This is a direct result of the increasing cases of obesity in children and adolescents.
Click Here! Kids as young as five have been reported having type 2 diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin to keep the blood glucose levels in check, or it cannot use insulin properly.
People we are on the verge of an epidemic. Are you one of the growing number of Americans joining the ranks of people with diabetes? Do you know the CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates 57 million Americans have prediabetes and an untold number have metabolic syndrome?
Click Here!
Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when a cluster of several risk factors such as obesity, low HDL (good cholesterol), high triglycerides, and high blood pressure are present.
Do you know the risk factors for metabolic syndrome? Here they are: A waist larger than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men, blood pressure higher than 130 over 85, good HDL cholesterol lower than 40 for women and 50 for men, or triglycerides higher than 150. If you have 3 of these factors then you are diagnosed as having metabolic syndrome and are a prime candidate for diabetes.
There are some things you can do to prevent metabolic syndrome. Here they are:
1. Eat a low calorie, low fat diet.
2. Exercise
3. take a daily 500 mg dose of cinnamon.
4. Take 150mg to 300mg a day of grape seed extract to lower blood pressure.
5. Sleep 8 hours per night to lower blood sugar levels.
6. Stop eating refined carbs and sugary foods. These foods cause insulin levels to spike and signals the body to store fat and cholesterol.
Click Here!
Wake up America and let us fight this diabetes epidemic!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Don't Let Diabetes Control Your Life!

If you let it diabetes will control your life, instead of you controlling it. Don't let that happen to you! You cannot afford to let the disease take over your body. If you let down your guard for a moment, you will lose ground. The disease slowly destroys your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Click Here!
These are three of the main organs in your body and diabetes can slowly destroy any one or all three of them! Do what you have to do to control your blood sugar levels. I have been reading and studying diabetes for 20 years. My mom lost her foot to the disease and my husband has been fighting it for 23 years. I wanted to learn all I could about it so I could help them understand what they had to do to live a great life with diabetes. Click Here!
I learned some really important facts. Here is what I know...
* Maintain the proper weight for your height.
* Eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
* Spread your carbohydrates over the entire day. do not eat them all at once.
* Eat some protein. It is better if you eat it for breakfast.
* Eat a healthy snack between meals. A piece of fruit would be a good choice.
* Exercise.
* Check your blood sugar levels. Take medications as prescribed.
* See the doctor as recommended.
* Get plenty of rest.
* Drink plenty of water.
Sometimes you can do everything right and your blood sugar levels will be high. Do not quit fighting it. Keep doing what you should do and it will fall into place for you. You see the reason my mom lost her foot was because she quit eating. She would go all day long and eat 1 soda cracker. That is all! When you do not eat, your blood sugar level goes so low you let the diabetes take control! Click Here!
You have to eat! I kept telling her but she would not listen. Diabetes had a lot to do with her having circulation problems and hardening of the arteries which caused blocked arteries. She had to have a triple bypass to unclog the arteries around her heart, and she thought her leg hurt because of arthritis. She refused to go to the doctor until it was too late. Gangrene had already begun. The foot had to come off.
Please do not let this happen to you. Follow your doctor's advice. If your legs hurt, let the doctor check it out. It could be peripheral artery disease and you could lose a foot or a leg if you wait too long. Don't wait! Let the doctor check it out. Click Here!
You can control this disease if you do what the doctor says. It boils down to the fact that you control it or it controls you. If it controls you, you lose! What's it going to be?
Take care of yourself. God Bless!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Diabetes Forever! Yes and No!

Usually when the doctor tells you, you are a diabetic, it is a life sentence! Click Here!
If you do all the things the doctor says, then you might be able to stop the progression of the disease and stop the disease. However, here is what is usually required:
* Lose weight.
Some people have had the lapband or bypass surgery, to lose enough weight so they would no longer have to deal with diabetes. You may be able to do that if you lose enough weight!
* Eat healthy.
It is possible to do this, but fast food is mostly to be avoided as is, sugar, fat, fried foods, and you need to eat the good carbs and leave the bad carbs alone.
* Change your lifestyle period.
You need to start exercising along with the dieting and make it a part of your daily routines. That old saying "Get moving" needs to be your new motto!
It is difficult to follow these changes and they must become a part of your daily life. If you can do that you have a chance to turn your life around, take control of your health and stop the diabetes!
Click Here!
Remember this, it is critical you take control of your life and your blood sugar. You need to stop diabetes or slow it down. The complications of this disease is dreadful. You do not want to suffer the consequesnces which can be severe, such as amputation or death. Click Here!
Take control so you can live a long and healthy life!
Til next time. God bless!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Do You Know What Diabetes Stands For? Read On!

Do you have any idea what Diabetes stands for? It came to me in the middle of the night last night! I saw it clear as day! D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S that dreaded word! Click Here!
I know what it means and I intend to tell everyone who will listen!
Here it is. This is how the name for this terrible disease was chosen: Click Here!
*D is for DIET. They(whoever they are) chose D as the first letter because they want you to be ever aware that DIET is the most important part of this disease. Watch your diet. Eat every few hours. Do not overeat. Watch your carbs, sugars and everything else you put in your mouth!
*I is for INSULIN. Boy the medical professionals are always trying to cram insulin down you. They want to know how much, when,what kind,etc. Your life sometimes feel like it revolves aroung taking insulin!
*A is so you will remember to AVOID EVERY FOOD YOU LOVE! Click Here!
You constantly hear from medical personnel, family, friends, and your inner voice "Do not eat that cake", "Lay off the ice cream", "You cannot have that chicken fried steak" and, oh yeah "You cannot eat that whole apple." Your whole life becomes one of AVOID! AVOID! AVOID!
*B is for BLOOD SUGAR. Have you checked your blood sugar yet? What was it? How often do you check your blood sugar? I want you to check it before and after each meal for the next 2 weeks. Eventually, you can just point at one of your fingers and they will start dripping blood, so you can do a blood sugar test.
*E is for EXERCISE. They want you to spend your life running down the road! Just run back home before and after each meal to check your blood sugar and grab a bite to eat!
*T means THINK THIN! Do not even think about eating anything you like! Thin is IN! Keep it small. One half a small apple, 1 poached egg, one half piece whole wheat toast, no butter, no bacon, no sausage. You can have CHICKEN at every meal. No fried chicken however! Soon you will begin to cluck!
*E is for EXERCISE. You need to exercise MORE! Exercise MORE than you EAT! Exercise instead of EATING so much! Remember the "T"! Thin is In.
*S is for SUGAR, of course! No Sugar. Sugar is fattening and you must be Thin..Click Here!
Put it all together it spells DIABETES. It is that terrible disease that rules your life! It has you on a Diet, taking Insulin, Avoiding every food you love, checking your Blood Sugar constantly, Exercising, Thinking Thin, Exercising more, and eating no Sugar. Eat Chicken! How can a fellow SURVIVE? Click Here!
Til next time. God Bless.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Diabetes - Daylight to Dark!

You know what? The other day I sat in my rocking chair all day long - from daylight to dark! I got up to eat, or to fix me something to eat, or to go to the bathroom. I really did not care who found me still in my rocking chair at 2:00 or 3:00 PM! I am a "Lady of Leisure." I can do whatever I want to do! Anyway I did a lot of reading about "Diabetes." It is a deadly disease.Click Here! I hate this disease! It can mutilate and kill you!
If you would like more information about diabetes, check out this site Click Here! There is also a "Diabetes Risk Test" you can check out at Click Here!
If you are at risk for diabetes take steps right now to do something, anything you have to do to stop the progress of it right now! Learn all you can about the disease .Click Here!
Here are 5 simple steps to halt this disease:
* 1. Check your blood glucose.
* 2. If it is running high change your diet.
* 3. Start getting more physical exercise.
* 4. Stop drinking Diet Sodas. Diet Soft Drinks cause "Metabolic Syndrone" which is the onset of pre diabetes.
* 5. Keep your weight under control.
Til next time. Keep Rocking!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Is Diabetes Making Your Life Miserable?

Does diabetes have such a hold on you that you feel like you are tied to the house? Do you have any hope of escaping the house and living a life like you did before you discovered you had diabetes? Click Here!
I know many people in your shoes. You have a lot of company.
No one is happy to learn they have diabetes. It fells like a prison sentence. You feel as if you have to change your whole life. So did my mother. She fought it for several years. She took pills for it, and the pills never worked well enough to keep her blood sugar regulated. Click Here!
I think when the doctor told her she had to start taking insulin shots, she gave up! You could see it in her eyes. She said that she could not give herself shots! But you know what, she learned. She finally accepted it! All of us kids talked to her, let her know how much we loved and needed her. We prayed about it and God answers prayer!
We found a wonderful doctor who spent a lot of time visiting her and telling her about the disease and how important she was to her kids. All of us, including the doctor finally convinced her she could live a wonderful life regardless of diabetes. With the support of all of us and the good Lord, she could not fail!
If you know someone with diabetes, rally round them, let them know they are loved and they can live with the disease! Click Here!
Til next time, I will be praying for you.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Does Diabetes Rule Your Life?

Do you have to test your blood sugar everyday before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime? Is your life tied to a glucose meter? Do you have to take insulin shots to live?
This is a study of diabetes Click Here!
My mom has the disease and has fought it for 25 years. My husband has it also and has fought it for 22 years. They are not alone. Somewhere between 23-24 million Americans also have diabetes.
I decided to write about this disease because I have seen what it has done to my mom. I am dividing it into parts because the disease is very complex and there are several foms of it. This part is about Type I or juvenile diabetes which is caused because the body does not produce insulin or it does not produce enough insulin Click Here!
The person who has this form of diabetes is insulin dependent and must take shots everyday of his or her life Click Here!
It is a devastating disease. If left unchecked or if out of control, it can cause blindness or gangrene can set in casing loss of limbs. There are many things the medical profession does not know about diabetes. There is no known cure today. However many of the conditions caused by the disease can be treated and a person can live a long, healthy life Click Here!
If you would like to read and gather more information, check out the American Diabetes Association at Click Here!
We will discuss these things as we work through all the forms of diabetes, the conditions, the medications, the treatments, etc.
Keep reading. Perhaps something you find here will help you in your struggle with diabetes!
The Start of Diabetes

I want to talk about the start of diabetes.Click Here!
I have been wondering ever since my mom was diagnosed with diabetes, how it all starts. I am doing a series on diabetes and my first paper defines it, gives the symptoms of it, and some of the causes of it.
A really simple definition is "any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production." As you know that is what all doctors and everyone else tells us to watch out for--excessive urination. So if you are plaqued with that condition for heaven's sake see your doctor!
Another thing that causes diabetesClick Here!
is called,"carbohydrate metabolism." It seems that is a disorder we are usually predisposed to and it is hard to overcome heredity. However, we can fight this condition by eating few carbohydrates and exercising. Those are two other things doctors caution us to watch.
So if we do not develop excessive urination, which by the way, can be caused by several disorders and if we can eat few carbohydrates and exercise regularly, we may be able to stave off the diabetes.Click Here!
As I reveal the horrors the disease causes, you will probably be more thatn willing to do anything to keep some of the horrors laying claim to your body.
Til next time!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Me and My Rocking Chair - The Start of The Day!

Every Morning you can find me on my front porch, in my rocking chair, rocking and thinking. This is where I do my best thinking. There is only room for me in my rocking chair. No one is sitting beside me "yakking" and distracting me from my thinking.
I need my own space to reflect on life as I read my newspaper. There is a lot going on in life today period! Every newspaper, book, pamphet, etc. that I read has one or two articles in it about "Diabetes." Click Here!
Do you have any idea how devastating it is for people who have diabetes? Some folks have been fighting it for years and years. After awhile it begins to take a toil on them. There is a litany of problems that begin to affect them. Even those who have the best control of the disease, start losing the battle as the years go by!
know the devastation that hits them. I have seen it with my own eyes. Blood sugar runs high and low, it spikes even when they eat like they should, take their medicines religiously, do their daily exercises, and go to the doctor regularly. I have seen this with my mother.
My mom has fought diabetes for over 25 years. Slowly but surely it took over her body. It is like a predator! It slowly eats away at you! Her legs started hurting all the time. She got short of breath! Her arteries were clogging up. There were balloons bulging in her arteries and they could burst at any time! She had to have a quadruple bypass. This was the start of the deteriation diabetes can cause.Click Here!
We thought when she did so well after the bypass, everything would be great. Not so! Other arteries began clogging up. Her legs started hurting more and more. Her feet began to turn blue. She had great difficulty walking!
When we convinced her to go back to the doctor, he sent her straight to a surgeon. The surgeon ran tests and told us that arteries all over her body were clogged. Much rerouting had to be done to keep the blood flowing, but the left leg could not be saved!
Do you know how devastating that news is to someone who has been independent for 75 years? It is like being under house arrest! She had to learn to use an artificial leg and a wheelchair too! Her world became very small! It made my mom very dependent on others to take her places she had gone all her life by herself!
It is not just about my mom. Almost every family has someone who is in the grips of this disease. This morning when I saw another article in the paper about "Diabetes", I decided to write on the subject.
I am definitely not an expert, but I have attended many classes on diabetes. I have studied it for the last 20 years as I watched both my mom and my husband fight the disease. Perhaps the information I post will help someone from ending up like my mom!
For more information check this out at
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